Forest Hills High School Forums

This is a forum for all things related to FHHS, from classes to clubs, from the building to just anything in general. Open to all FHHS students, past and present, current & alumni.
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Forest Hills High School Forums

Forest Hills High School Forums - Registration Agreement Terms

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- You agree to comply fully with this rules ;
- You grant moderators of this forum the right to delete, move or edit any topic at any time.

Welcome to the Forest Hills High School forums! You have chosen to join the #1 news source for FHHS students and alumni. The following are are some posting guidelines for the forums. Your posts should contain: an intelligible, useful comment. Your posts shouldn't contain: chatspeak, spam or solicitation of any kind. (No ad's please! Nobody likes spam, and users here are no exception!), curses, personal attacks/insults or other flaming language (especially threats). Pornography, gore, or other offensive material (as determined by the moderating staff). Anyone's personal information. (For example, the User's real name, phone number or address, either on the chatbox or when replying to a topic. That's what PM's are for.) Post-dissection (breaking apart a post line-by-line into quotes to argue it. This will be handled on a case-by-case basis). And, most importantly, when referencing teachers. Do not refer to teachers by name, either positively or negatively, only informatively, for example, these are two examples of statements you shouldn't say: Mr. Smith is a terrible teacher and I would like to seek a transfer, what should I do? The following two examples are of statements you should say: My science teacher made fun of me in class, who should I talk to about it? OR If you need to learn more about the Debate Team, go to Mr. Smith. In general: if it's something you would post on RateMyTeachers, don't post it here. Try your best to: Not revive old threads. If you want to continue discussion on an old thread, it's usually best to start a new thread and link to the old one as a reference. Also try not to have a humongous signature. Keep images around 300x120 pixels, and text no more than 6 lines long. (This is because the forums become unreadable when the majority of the page is composed of signatures.) Also note that: Your post may be deleted for any violation of the above guidelines. In addition to a deleted post, a violation of these guidelines may result in a warning from the moderators, or a ban, depending on the severity of the offense. Private Messages (PMs) are regulated by the same guidelines here. You are only allowed to have one account on the forums, and you are responsible for it. Don't share your password with anyone. If you are having a problem on the forums with a user, report it to the moderating staff. If you're having a problem with a moderator or administrator, contact another member of the moderating staff. And most importantly: no matter what, always be civil. There are punishments if you break the guidelines stated above, and these are mentioned more in detail below. If you accumulate 100 infraction points you will be automatically banned for one year. There will be no exceptions to this rule, and this will be handled privately between administration, moderators, and the user being banned. There will be tough, strict moderation on this forum. You think a post or thread belongs to one of the infraction levels below just report the post and we'll try to take care of it. We have families, jobs, school and other obligations so please give us a freaking break. Infractions levels are as follows: For having a Duplicate Account, that is worth 5 Points, or up to a 7 Day Ban. For Spammed Advertisements, that is worth 5 Points, or up to a 7 Day Ban. For Inappropriate Language, that is worth 10 Points, or up to a 7 Day Ban. For Signature/Avatar Rule Violations, that is worth 10 Points, or up to a 7 Day Ban. For Disruptive Posts, that is worth 15 Points, or up to a 14 Day Ban. For posting Instigating Posts, that is worth 20 Points, or a much as 6 Month Ban. For insulting other User(s), that is worth 25 Points, or up to a 6 Month Ban. For insulting a Staff Member, that is worth 50 Points, or up to a 12 Month (1 Year) Ban. For Threatening other User(s) or Staff, that is worth 100 Points, or up to a 12 Month (1 Year) Ban. Note- This site (Forest Hills High School Forums, or the "Forums") is not affiliated nor does it belong to Forest Hills High School (or the "School") or the New York City Department of Education (the "DOE"). This website and forum is independently owned and operated. However, we are required to inform the proper authorities (the School and the DOE) if a situation arises that would threaten the life of a student at FHHS, create chaos or conflict at the school, or disrupt the normal functioning of the school in any way (such as a fight, a large protest, threats, calls for a riot, etc). However, if the situation (such as nonviolent protest or a team meeting) is not disruptive in anyway toward the normal functioning of the school, then please feel free to post it here on the forums.